December 31, 1944: The playgirl lifestyle of Elizabeth Short changed when she meets her fiance, Major Matthew Michael Gordon, Jr. who worked with United States Army Air Force

August 10, 1945: Short got a news which saying that her fiance, Major Matthew Micheal Gordon was killed in airplane crash. 

July 1946: Short returns to Southern California to visit her old boyfriend, Joseph Gordon Fickling, who worked as an Army Air Force.
November 13 to December 15, 1946: Short lives in Hollywood in a cramped two-bedroom apartment with other eight young women before she was found by a family who sympathy of her life.
Early January 1947: Short was asked to leave by a family who offered her to stay together because of her bad attitude. 
January 8, 1947:  Seven days before the murder, Short writes a letter to Joseph Gordon Fickling which mentioned that she is moving to Chicago to fulfill her ambition to become a fashion model.

January 9, 1947: Short meets Robert Manley which is the main suspects due to the fact that he was the last person who be with Short at Biltmore Hotel. 

January 15, 1947: Betty Bersinger found Short's body.
January 25, 1947: Robert Manley identifies the black patent leather purse and black open-toed pumps which was found in a dumpster at 1819th E. 25th street, several miles from the crime scene as Short's items.

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